WELCOME TO THE GOD'S LAND!! This jargon look suitable to represent Bali as what it is. Not only the heavenly beach, sacred cultures, outstanding sightseeings, and unforgettable experiences, Bali has so
many kind of cuisine that can bring your tongue as if you are in paradise enjoying food from God. As it is rich with cultures, and so is the kind of foods that can only be found in Bali. Mostly, Bali's cuisine is dominated with spicy sensasion, since Balinese use many kind of spices on the foods. Let's check some of them, so that they could be your referention when someday you visit this God's Island:

  • Betutu Chicken


    One of the iconic food and famous cuisine in Bali. Characterized with spicy taste, the chicken used to make it undergoes a complex process which make it so delicious. Spicy seasoning put inside the chicken, then the chicken roasted with banana leaves covered, for 24 hours. Here are  some recommended Betutu restaurant:

    - Tuban Street, no 2X, Kuta, bali.
    - Pak Man betutu maker, Kuta Raya street no 72x.
  • Tepeng Rice


    Just an ordinary rice, but mixed with extraordinary ingredients, this kind of cuisine is reallly really suitable for spicy lovers. Green nut, red nut, half ripe jackfruit, eggplant, grinded coconut, mixed with masterpiece-traditional way makes it worthed to be tried when hunger attacks your stomach. Find this hidden treasure in PASAR SENGGOL, from CIUNG WANARA statue to Ngurah Rai street.
    Time open 18:00 pm - 23:00pm.

  • Sela Rice


    CARB Perfect Combination between rice and cassava, make the sweet and delicious cuisine to enjoy. Betutu chicken, chicken satay, Tuna pindang, vegetables mixing with nut seasoning, usually eaten together with this rice. You can find it in WARUNG MEK LUH, in front of Karangasem Government Hospital. Another place is WARUNG NASI NYOMAN NASI SELA, in Raya Anggungan Street no 11, Mengwi, Buleleng, Bali.

  • Jinggo Rice

    Jinggo means a thousand and five hundreds. But that doesn't literally refers to the price now, since the price has changed. But from the name, it shows that it is a very cheap rice covered with banana leaf. The portion is "unhuman", which means it is not enough if you eat just one, since the size is very small. Nowadays the price approximately 5000 rupiahs. Together with rice, there are sliced chicken, fried noodle, tempe, sliced fried egg, etc inside it. Almost everywhere you can find this cuisine.

  • Chicken Tum

    As the name this kind of exotic cuisine is basically made of chicken. TUM means covered. The sliced chicken is covered with banana leaf, added with seasoning, and steamed. The aroma from the steam will surely seduce your nose and make you can't resist of not trying this. Almost traditional restaurants serve this cuisine.

  • Roasted Suckling Pig

    MEAT Freaks?? This is the real Treasue for you Meat Lovers! Roasted directly on fire from coal, makes the meat so juicy, and rotated constant moving make it cooked well overall it's surface. Tender texture of the meat, and added with seasoning sauce will bring you to the outstanding food realm you've never experienced before.

  • Rujak Bulung

    In Indonesia, the term RUJAK means the mixture of several fruits and vegetables seasoned with nuts seasoning, added with little salt and brown sugar. But here, in Bali, Rujak Bulung is a little bit different with the common rujak in Indonesia. SEA WEED is the main ingredient which differ rujak bulung compared with others. Besides, the ingredients of the seasoning is more complex, chili, terasi (fermented shrimp), kencur ( such kind like ginger), grinded coconut, and pindang soup. Almost all traditional food place in bali serving this.

  • Komoh Soup

    This kind of cuisine in Bali is in "danger". Why? Because it almost extinct among Balinese culture. This kind of food usually served only in certain occasion, such as PENAMBAHAN GALUNGAN ceremony. Quite difficult to obtain this cuisine, since it is difficult to make. Plus, the ingredients make it called
